DAY ONE… Arriving in Iran

We are all waiting in our rooms for our supper which we have opted to have at the hotel (no other options!). The staff here are very friendly and provided us with tea.

We grappled with reassembling our bikes this afternoon. Anna’s bike had been virtually disassembled to get it into a box, and the bottom of my bikes box had given way so my bike was half out. Luckily no damage seemed to be done.

We were all feeling rather tired after the flight. It was late by the time we got our meal on the plane (11.15pm) and then it was almost time to land in Doha. The short hop (2hr) from Doha, what with breakfast, meant there was almost no time for kip. Everything went very smoothly at the airport. We met up with Ali and Maryam, and then decided to change money (Maryam thought the rate was good at the airport). Tim and I had one of those cross-purpose conversations and I thought he wanted me to change all our money, so I did, and so did everyone else. We ended up with so much Iranian money we could hardly carry it all. So much for being discrete about money. It almost filled an entire pannier bag!!
