DAY SIXTEEN… 41.25 miles (66 km)
Sitting outside our rooms, sound of a courtyard fountain, early sun, cock crowing. I’m sitting on one of the raised platform seats in the cobbled yard. We are waiting for our breakfast.
There is a tree not far from our hotel that has lived through all of human civilisation. Its 4,000 years old! It is fenced off so you can’t approach it. Really it looks just like a big, healthy Cyprus tree. Interestingly we met a big party of Iranian cyclists from around Bandar Abbas, in the south of Iran. Some of them did not wear hijab for cycling, just a T shirt (long) and lycra trousers. There was lots of excited talking about cycling and little tree contemplation.

A ride in the van to the top of a pass and then a long ride through big, imposing mountains, with a stop at a lovely spring, used as a picnic spot, where many Iranians were cooking up a tasty smelling lunch. From here we cycled to the edge of Yadz and are now in our traditional hotel. A small room with adobe walls, thankfully an en suite bathroom.