DAY TWENTY ONE… Off to the Bazaar 🙂

At last a visit to the bazaar!! There were absolutely no excuses why we couldn’t go (no holy days, Friday etc).  It was stuffed full of wonderful spices; dried dill, borage flowers, naranji flowers (orange blossom), dried limes, barberries piled high like jewels, nuts and dried fruits of all descriptions.

Fresh sour azgil (loquat)

In the evening we visited one of the famous bridges, sadly it was not the one had we intended to visit, where people sing under the arches, but it did seem to be a place for illicit cuddling and perhaps even a place to start a new relationship? Our evening meal in the restaurant Ali thought was really good, I think Ali liked it because there were mainly meat dishes. We got very greasy aubergines, some raw onions, rice and some fried egg (in the middle of the raw onion). This we had with our usual ‘Doogh’ (yoghurt drink).
