DAY SEVENTEEN… 16 miles (25.5 km)

We crossed over the border into Iran at 9am. There was a problem with my visa at the border. I stood there for ages thinking I would not get in, but at last I did!

Now we are sitting with Ali, our cycle guide, a necessity for us Brits to have a guide with us at all times. He’s having a cigarette break by the side of a river.

We have got to Siahrood quite quickly. We are almost there now. Across the river is Azerbaijan. Everywhere is very dry. The mountains are barren and it feels like passing through a desert.

Ali, our Iranian guide, enjoying the ride

Arrived at Siahrood a scruffy, desert like town. We’ve pulled into a park which is on a roundabout. This is to be our destination for the night. It’s absolutely boiling hot and when Tim and I try to spend time resting.

  1. It feels like we are on a roundabout (which we are)
  2. Screaming children are in a tent next to ours

Ali feels this is a good campsite because…..

  • There is a toilet
  • There is water
  • There is a shop

We have never seen such an unlikely place to rest for the night.

Camping in the “City Park” roundabout
The ever friendly, warmth of socializing in Iran