DAY NINE… 51 miles (81.5 km)

Set off at 9.30am. We were washing, chain oiling and generally finding it difficult to do anything very quickly, me with bad knees and Tim with a bad back.

It was a sunny day mixed with cloud and a chilly wind. We cycled along flat paths to Orléans where we stopped to admire the cathedral (outside only) and pump up our tyres, then we were off again. Had an ice cream stop, incredibly expensive at €2.00 each and not very nice either. We watched as gendarmes flexed their muscles with motorists.

Boulangèrie & pâtisserie for the morning almond croissants

We arrived at 6.30pm at Sully-sur-Loire and managed to procure food for the night and a few more days at Intermarché supermarket, only a few minutes cycle ride away. Now we are about to have our fish stew.

Art Nouveau in Orléans