DAY TWENTY ONE… 45 miles (72 km)

We were rather slow leaving (what’s new?) Tim was donkelling about. I could not believe how long he was taking to get ready. It was incredible. By the time we set off virtually everyone else had left the site. The ride was much hillier than previously AND very hot AND there was a headwind, with the overall effect of it all being quite tiring, even for our meagre distance. Our journey passed by the Rhein Falls, a spectacular stretch of the Rhine where it drops, broken by some very large standing rocks. Many sightseers were there, some being transported in boats to the waterfalls themselves although it was massively turbulent.

Rhein Falls
Getting close & wet in a boat
Getting close & wet in a cave

Despite our best intentions we ended up at another massive site where caravans were being carefully disguised as chalets. Extortionate price yet again, but that’s Switzerland for you.

Looking across the Rhein to Diessenhofen