DAY FIFTEEN… 34.11 miles (54.89 km)
8.15am chai stop… We left our little tribal house at Desert Courses at 6.30am, a beautiful time of day, cool and the sun a misty red ball, hovering just above the horizon. The promise of another day.
Unfortunately, we struck an untarmacked road which continued for miles and miles. Bumpy, jolty, dusty, with lorries throwing up dust clouds as they passed us.
We rode through a totally traffic jammed town. It would be easier maybe, if there were only one sort of vehicle to deal with, but there are many; lorries, motorcycles, buses, bikes, pickup trucks, tractors, not to mention cows, dogs, and people thrown into the mix. Then imagine none of them following any rules of the road, just a chaotic mele. Really its a miracle that we have come so far, unscathed. I do hope we will encounter some quiet and well tarmacked roads soon.
We are staying in a trucker’s hotel. Its adequate. There is no hot water, of course, but it is moderately clean. We’ve visited the sun temple. A bit worse for wear after 1,000 years but impressive. Endless demands for ‘selfies’. I still don’t see what our attraction is.