DAY THIRTY FIVE… 23.98 miles (38.60 km)
At last we get to cycle through the tiger sanctuary! Early morning too. The wardens at the gate too sleepy to notice two cyclists slipping past. It was all a bit alarming really as there was an amazing absence of people (why now?) . Luckily no tigers again but plenty of evil macaque monkeys and some very large jungle boar.

Tim has gone off in search of change of my 200Rs note as we’ve come unstuck at the jungle chai shop. I’m being watched by a lot of very small children and a couple of young men who find the idea of turning up at a chai shop with a 200Rs note, highly amusing.

Tonight we are staying at Ram Bihar Hotel. A staggering 9,500Rs . Yes we did manage to negotiate the deluxe suite, and yes it does include all snacks and meals but really it’s nothing more special than other places and it has a commercial feel. Not to mention a wedding with a massive sound system just across the way.
Tim and I booked this place from the UK as we needed a reliable destination to send our bike bags and packing so we didn’t cart them with us for the ride. It was a reliable destination. We are now reunited with our pink bags and a lot of bubble wrap! This place has to beat the other one for power cuts. There’s one every few minutes!