DAY TWENTY ONE… 3.5 miles (5.5 km)
The train is due to leave at 7.36am to take us the last leg of our journey to the Black Sea. We are squashed in a railway compartment with our 2 bikes. We have one change (12 minutes) to get our bikes and all our panniers out of one train and into another. Exciting to think we will soon be at our destination.
Constanța is not a terribly attractive place. There’s lots of high rise concrete and we are staying in the cheapest apartment there is here. Obviously the drains are blocked, the spare bed falls apart if you touch it, and the other bed, my chosen rest spot for the night, turns out to be an instrument of torture. However, it was good to have a place to stay and not have to put up a tent.
We decided to eat out, but everything was quite expensive and we wandered the streets looking for a suitable place where there would be something vegetarian or pescatarian, without gluten. Eventually chose a rather trendy but slow bar/restaurant but we were not served till 10pm.
Did plan on a swim in the Black Sea, but Tim was put off and traumatised by a plague of jellyfish so we declined. However, I did venture in the next day and was surprised by warm, clear and pleasant waters.