DAY FOUR… 48 miles (77 km)

Lovely ride through Ulm, with an amazing Munster. We had a long stop here to try and find bits of clip that Tim had lost from his pannier attachment but it was fruitless. We did however get a good bike stand for my bike. This makes stopping SO much easier. We seemed to be passing through stork country. We saw two storks on rooftops !

 The latter part of the ride was somewhat urban and less interesting. We noted quite a number of refugees, today. Some crowded into a community centre. We stopped short of 50 miles at a campsite by a lake. It looked great on the map, but it was like bedlam. There were people everywhere and the tent field was packed. I asked for a quiet spot which annoyed the proprietor who replied “Hier ist eine Familie site” or something like that. Luckily she relented and let us put up our tent by a swimming lake, which was quieter till a group of lads turned up right next to us. I asked them to camp some way away as, by the time we were ready for bed, they were still downing their beers. So despite some disturbance, it was not too bad after all, and the showers were excellent. . Price at €21… Oh Dear.

For map lovers, here is the actual Garmin GPX route….