We have created this blog during Covid-19 lockdown, learning new skills building this website. So, the creation of the website has been made possible by the surreal gift of being locked up at home. We had been planning to ride the Stage Six of our ride, through Western India, from Dwarka (western Gujarat) to Matura (just south of Delhi), in the autumn of 2020, but we may well need to postpone this until the Covid-19 pandemic has passed.
By writing up the diaries & sorting through the photos, we have relived our adventures, cycling across Europe, the Caucuses Mountains & Iran. As we laid out the website, stage by stage of our ride, we have surprised ourselves with the fact that we did actually ride all those miles, in all sorts of conditions. And despite the sometimes ironic, long suffering language of Alysun’s daily hand-written diary, we both had such wonderful times and would do it all again.
We hope that you will enjoy experiencing a virtual cycle ride to India with us. We hope that we can inspire you to try your own long-distance cycle touring adventures. If we can ride, so can you, although you could choose other routes or staying in hotels rather than camping. Just go out there and do it. Who knows if cheap flights will ever return, so riding a bicycle is a great option for travelling… you can always try an e-bike :-).
We have documented our ride, so that we can share our experiences, our learning & our ideas with you. We have used other people’s cycle touring blogs to research and plan our rides, grateful for all the information that we found and that helped us make key decisions about how, when and where to go. We are now adding our contribution to this world of knowledge ,by telling our story.
If you like our website, please share it with your family, friends and work colleagues. We do not use Social Media, so if you can share this by Facebook or Twitter or whatever you use, that would be great. If you want to give us feedback, ask questions or make suggestions, then please use our “Contact Us” page, here…