The journey home, pannier bags packed into lightweight hold-alls, heavy with our shopping. Rickshaw, electric bus, rickshaw, and then train to Delhi (Hazrat Nizamuddin Railway Station). The usual Delhi hassle of porters & taxi touts. But we get to our destination, our regular peaceful Delhi stay, with Ushi at the Master Bed & Breakfast (previously known as Master Paying Guest House).

Delhi Metro, shopping, crowds and thankfully low polution. Loaded with more shopping, such as cushion covers, small brass buddhas, warm scarves, waistcoats, shirts, incense, we are ready for the flight home. Passing through Delhi Airport with our huge bicycle bags is always stressful, with check-in staff not knowing how to handle them, security staff wanting to pass them through an x-ray scanner that is obviously too narrow, massive queues to do anything. But we make it, and what’s more our bicycles & luggage make it to Heathrow, in good shape, ready for another adventure, another day.

Jai Hanuman

The wedding bands of India…. the streets of England are just not the same