DAY FOURTEEN… 42 miles (67 km)

Rose at 6am to ensure no trouble from last night’s Lederhosen lads and set off along the Danube to Krems; still no camping gas. Cycled through orchard after orchard of apple, pear and nectarines. Took a small sample of the fruit.

Krems. All closed on Sunday.

We camped outside of Vienna in Tulln, childhood home of Egon Schiele, the famous painter. The campsite was large and expensive but we have a secluded spot and we have moved a table and bench so we have it by us, and also, thereby procure larger space! All very civilised. Everyone must be quiet by 10pm. There’s a swimming lake next door. The water is warm and refreshing, but it’s a bit murky.

Emerald jewel on the path

For map lovers, here is the actual Garmin GPX route….